Candidate Site Register
The Candidate Site Register is a list of sites submitted to the Council during the Call for Candidate Sites undertaken between 31st May and 20th August 2021 and submitted as part of the consultation on the Strategic Options. It is important to note that the submission of candidate sites should not be interpreted as a commitment that such sites will be taken forward into the LDP
Candidate Sites contained in the register do not form part of the LDP.
Tell us what you think about the Candidate Sites
Following the call for Candidate Sites we want you to tell us whether you object or support a candidate site(s) being included in the Replacement LDP or just want to make a comment.
To comment on a Candidate Site please select the site you wish to comment on and complete the feedback form.
Please note that comments made cannot be treated as confidential.
You can view the initial assessment of the Candidate Sites along with the other background papers in the Virtual Room.
LDP Regulations require all Local Planning Authorities to request nominations for sites, called Candidate Sites, to be proposed for inclusion in the LDP. The call for candidate sites is an important part of plan making and is required to be undertaken at an early stage of plan preparation, in advance of the formal stages and before the draft Plan is prepared and consulted on at the Preferred Strategy Stage.
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 places a duty on each local authority in Wales to prepare an LDP. An important function of the LDP is to set out the Council’s land use strategy and to identify the anticipated level of future development that may occur and allocate land for such development that may take place during the lifetime of the Plan. The LDP Manual (Welsh Government, March 2020) recommends that local planning authorities engage early in the process at the evidence gathering stage of the LDP process to obtain information about potential development sites that may be included in the plan. The aim of this is to help with the council’s consideration of suitable sites for inclusion in the LDP and avoid a substantial number of unidentified sites coming forward at the latter examination stage and also to ensure that the LDP can be delivered in land use terms.
Between the 31st May and the 20th August 2021 the Council formally invited all parties to submit potential Candidate Sites, for a range of uses, they wished to be considered for inclusion in the replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) in accordance with guidance.
The Register includes the following information:
- Candidate Site Reference Number
- Site Name
- Electoral Division
- Site Proposer
- Proposed Use
- Site Area (in hectares)
- Site Location Map (as submitted by the Site Proposer)
The sites are arranged by Electoral Division and by site reference number. Some sites cross the boundary of a number of Electoral Divisions and are referenced accordingly. It should be noted that all information and site boundaries in the Register are as stated in the submissions received. It is also important to note that the submission of candidate sites and their inclusion in the Register should not be interpreted as a commitment that such sites will be taken forward into the LDP. Sites contained in the Register do not form part of the replacement LDP.
Comments received on the submitted Candidate Sites will feed into the detailed assessment of the sites over the coming months in line with the guidance set out in the Candidate Sites Methodology.
The results of this detailed assessment will be published alongside the consultation on the Replacement LDP Deposit Plan which is planned for autumn 2024.