Open consultations

We are consulting on proposed changes to the Council’s list of locally significant buildings. This consultation forms part of a first phase review of the Cardiff Local List of Buildings and Sites of Architectural or Historic Interest (Local Heritage List), focussing on locally significant public houses, hotels and clubs (both past and present).

Eight week consultation – 24th July – 18th September 2024

Closed consultations

Consultation of the Preferred Strategy and Candidate Sites took place from the 27th July to the 5th October 2023 using this website and a Virtual Consultation Room. Community consultation events were also held in person and online.

Consultation on the strategic options paper (PDF) ran from Tuesday 30th November to Tuesday 8th February 2022.

Consultation on the Draft Vision, Issues and Objectives (PDF) and Draft Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (PDF) took place from 28th May to the 23rd July 2021.

The call for candidate sites took place from 28th May to the 20th August 2021.

Request a document in an accessible format.