July 2024
Public Houses, Hotels and Clubs (current and former)
The Council’s ‘Stronger, Fairer, Greener’ Corporate Plan for 2024-27, includes a commitment to ‘create better places through the delivery of new, high-quality, well-designed, sustainable and well-connected communities by… utilising our powers to protect and celebrate local buildings such as pubs, community spaces and music venues, particularly those rich in the city’s working class history’.
This consultation forms part of a first phase review of the Cardiff Local List of Buildings and Sites of Architectural or Historic Interest (Local Heritage List), focussing on locally significant public houses, hotels and clubs (both past and present). You can read more about this in the September 2023 Cabinet Report.
Eight week consultation – 24th July – 18th September 2024
Planning legislation and guidance encourages local authorities to identify historic assets of special local interest and maintain a list of them. This list can include local historic assets which are not already designated scheduled monuments, listed buildings or registered historic parks and gardens.
Local listing provides the information base that enables local planning authorities to recognise historic assets of particular local importance in the development management process, through policies in the local development plan which can be supported by supplementary planning guidance. This can help local planning authorities to manage change so that local historic assets remain responsive to present-day needs and contribute to the vitality of the area without an adverse impact on their character. Local listing also highlights historic assets of special local interest and provides an opportunity for a community to get involved in their identification and in caring for them appropriately.
The assets identified for inclusion on the list should make an important contribution to local distinctiveness and have the potential to contribute to public knowledge. Their selection should be based on clear criteria, sound local evidence and consultation. More information can be found with the Cadw guidance Managing Lists of Historic Assets of Special Local Interest in Wales.
Cardiff has an existing Local List of Buildings of Merit containing around 200 entries, some of which cover several grouped buildings. The list was approved by Planning Committee in November 1997, with 323 buildings identified at that time. The list has not been comprehensively reviewed since, although around one third of the buildings identified at that time have since been listed by Cadw, giving them statutory protection.
Due to the relative lack of national planning controls afforded to local listing, some buildings have unfortunately been significantly altered, or in extreme cases demolished. The list therefore requires revision to accommodate these changes, include new additions and to bring in new controls over demolition and alteration where applicable.
Adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP) Policy EN9 notes that development will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that it preserves or enhances a locally listed building’s architectural quality, historic and cultural significance, character, integrity and/or setting. Notwithstanding this policy, some types of development benefit from what are commonly called ‘permitted development rights’. These are set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) (‘GPDO’). For example, Part 31 of Schedule 2 of the Order permits demolition of a building.
We intend to revise our entire Local Heritage List over the next few years, this currently contains some 200 entries and was last reviewed (and first adopted) in 1997. This process will seek to ensure these buildings and others identified are afforded the same protection from demolition as the pubs and clubs now put forward for review as part of phase one. This review will also include consultation and Cabinet approval.
The relevant heritage policies will also be revised in the ongoing review of the LDP.
Commercial premises such as pubs and clubs do not benefit from most of the permitted development rights conferred upon householders – so planning permission is required for alterations that materially alter the building’s appearance (extensions, changes to roofs, windows or doors, for example). However, unlike buildings listed by Cadw (Grades 1,2* & 2), all those on the Local List are not currently subject to any specific planning controls over demolition. Currently, their status simply means that, when works to a locally listed building require planning permission, the building’s special local architectural or historical interest can be taken into consideration before making a decision. As demolition does not currently require planning permission, this leaves many of our local heritage assets particularly vulnerable to demolition.
High profile cases such as The Crooked House in South Staffordshire demonstrate the strength of public feeling associated with the loss of characterful pubs. To address this issue, this first phase review of pubs and clubs for inclusion within our Local List also proposes to restrict permitted development rights for their demolition (and external decoration), allowing the Council to take their local interest into account should any such development be proposed. Known as Article 4 Directions, this requires a specific consultation and confirmation process that will be undertaken following adoption of the Local List by the Council’s Cabinet. Owners of these buildings will receive further letters when these Directions are made later in 2024/5.
Unlike in England (since 2017), there are no automatic legislative means to resist the principle of demolition or the change of use for pubs in Wales (also see Assets of Community Value and protectpubs.org.uk). This means that, ultimately, the only way to keep these places alive in Wales is for the community to continue to use, support and cherish them. This project is concerned with protecting buildings that are important to the city’s history and identity, whether they are remain in use as pubs or not.
Details of those pubs, clubs and hotels (both existing and former) which are currently proposed to be added to our Local List can be found listed below. Entries can be filtered by ward or via a map.
Listed Buildings are designated by Cadw for their national importance. They are graded II, II* or I depending on their significance in terms of architectural or historic interest. There are no permitted development rights for alterations to listed buildings, and change is managed through the Listed Building Consent process.
In contrast, there is no specific consent required to alter or extend locally listed assets, the Local Planning Authority will take their special interest into consideration when determining planning applications.
Unlike with listed buildings, Local Listing does not affect changes to interiors.
Other Cadw statutory designations protect nationally significant Scheduled Monuments and Historic Parks & Gardens. There is also a non-statutory register of Historic Landscapes.
The 71 buildings identified are considered be of sufficient interest for inclusion when assessed against the following selection criteria¹:
1. Aesthetic or Design Merit
Historic assets of importance to the locality or region for the interest of their design, decoration or craftsmanship, including well-preserved examples of locally representative building types or styles, or locally distinctive techniques of construction or use of materials.
2. Historical Value
Historic assets of all types which illustrate important aspects of the past life of the region or locality, particularly its social, economic, or cultural history.
3. Historical Association
Historic assets of all types which have close historical association with people, events or movements important to the region or locality. Key works by distinguished or notable architects.
4. Landmark Status
(a) Buildings which contribute significantly to townscape appearance e.g., pubs, churches, factories, cinemas, banks, etc.
(b) Buildings that are a focal point of social or visual interest e.g., prominent corner sites.
5. Group Value
Historic assets of all types which have a clear visual, design or historical relationship, or which make a positive contribution to the setting of other historic assets, or to the character of a settlement.
(a) Groups which as a whole have a unified architectural or historic value to the local area.
(b) Terraces, enclosing buildings (surrounding squares etc.), uniform rows etc.
6. Social and Communal Value
Historic assets which have social value as a source of local distinctiveness or social interaction; assets that contribute to local identity or collective memory; assets that have spiritual value, or symbolic significance. Such buildings may include churches, schools, village and town halls, chapels, public houses, memorials, places of employment and workhouses, which formed a focal point or key social role in the historical development of the area. Given their particularly unique contribution to collective memory, public houses (or purpose-built former pubs) will be prioritised for local listing where they also have both historic (generally pre-WWII) and architectural interest.
7. Age
Buildings surviving from the earliest phases of development (in Cardiff’s case prior to c.1875) and early C20th suburban development and surviving in anything like their original form. Superficial alterations which may be reversed in the future, e.g., reinstatement of timber windows, will not preclude inclusion on the list.
8. Rarity
Historic assets that provide rare surviving evidence of a particular aspect of the history and development of the locality.
Buildings will not be proposed for local listing (or subsequent Article 4 controls) if they are:
- On the Cadw statutory list (grade II or above).
- Are protected by virtue of being within an existing conservation area – buildings will be added to the local list only where they do not contribute positively to the character or appearance of the conservation area – for example they offer a neutral contribution but are of merit in their own right.
¹Criteria approved at the September 2023 Cabinet Meeting
Please note that many pubs are already listed by Cadw (Grades II, II* or I) or within a Conservation Area – these are not proposed for local listing. This map shows the proposed listings in relation to those already protected.
The Vulcan Lounge
Address: 2 Wyeverne Road, Cardiff CF24 4BH
Ward: Cathays
Reason for omission: There is history for a public house on this site (Communal and Historical Value), but the extant building is a Bar of C20 construction. Limited Historical, Communal and Aesthetic Interest.
The Admiral (Napier)
Address: 239 Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff CF11 9AL
Ward: Riverside
Reason for omission: There is history for a public house on this site (Communal and Historical Value), but the extant building was rebuilt post-1960 and, as a consequence, has limited Aesthetic Interest.
Royal Exchange Hotel, Llandaff North
Address: 79b Ty-Mawr Rd, Cardiff CF14 2FQ
Ward: Llandaff North
Reason for omission: Though some Communal Interest, very altered (External Wall Insulation applied etc.) Of low Aesthetic Interest.
The Three Arches Hotel, Llanishen
Address: Heathwood Rd, Cardiff CF14 4HS
Ward: Cyncoed
Reason for omission: Said to be Sir Percy Thomas (for which archive records survive from 1939), the Three Arches Hotel was apparently built to designs of P. Thomas and Son, 1946. Of limited Aesthetic Interest.
The Coach House, Ely
Address: Station Terrace, Cardiff CF5 4AA
Ward: Fairwater
Reason for omission: A pre-1875 public House (Communal and Historical Value) but closed and severely fire damaged. Little of Aesthetic Interest remains. Proposed for demolition when assessed.
The New Bridge Inn, Trowbridge
Address: Abergele Road, Cardiff CF3 1RR
Ward: Trowbridge
Reason for omission: Built in the post-war era (1966). Now closed. Of little Historical, Communal and Aesthetic Interest.
The Canadian
Address: 143 Pearl St, Cardiff CF24 1PN
Ward: Adamsdown
Reason for omission: No longer operating as a public house. Some Communal and Historical Value. Part-demolished as part of recent development. Aesthetic Interest lost.
The Roath Cottage
Address: 25-26 Plasnewydd Road, Cardiff CF24 3EN
Ward: Plasnewydd
Reason for omission: Though a corner plot, not particularly prominent due to its domestic scale. Now flats. Though some Communal Value, all Aesthetic Interest has been lost through conversion.
The New Dock Tavern
Address: 188 Broadway, Cardiff CF24 1QJ
Ward: Adamsdown
Reason for omission: Though a corner plot, not particularly prominent due to its domestic scale. Now flats. Though some Communal Value, all Aesthetic Interest has been lost through conversion.
Fairwater Athletic and Social Club
Address: 22 Plasmawr Road, Cardiff CF5 3JW
Ward: Fairwater
Reason for omission: A C20 building of no Aesthetic or Architectural Interest. Some Communal Value. Permanently closed.
Cardiff West End Social Club
Address: 348 Cowbridge Rd West, Cardiff CF5 5BY
Ward: Ely
Reason for omission: Some Communal Value. Stripped of its post-war C20 Architectural Interest in the later-C20. Low Aesthetic and Historical Interest.
The Riverside Islamic Cultural Centre
Address: 56 Neville St, Cardiff CF11 6LS
Ward: Riverside
Reason for omission: Communal and Historic Value. C20 structure with approved application in place to strip the building of its remaining C20 Aesthetic Interest.
The Monkstone Inn
Address: 902 Newport Road, Cardiff CF3 4LL
Ward: Rumney
Reason for omission: Though 60 years as a public house imparts some Communal Interest, successive modernisations and alterations have impacted negatively upon the Aesthetic Interest of this early-C20 building.
Traders Tavern
Address: 6-8 David St, Cardiff CF10 2EH
Ward: Cathays
Reason for omission: 40 years as a public House imparts limited Communal Interest. Architectural and Historical Interest for the premises itself, though the wider building (Ivor House) is under consideration by Cadw for spot-listing. Pending this outcome, Ivor House will be added to the wider local list for further review.
Melrose Inn
Address: Pascal Close, Cardiff CF3 2UZ
Ward: Trowbridge
Reason for omission: Former farmstead converted to a public House in the 1980s. Though the relevant application information is apparently missing, on-site investigation clearly indicates extensive rebuild in reclaimed and stretcher-bonded brickwork during the C20. Of limited Communal, Architectural and Historical Interest.
4th Glamorgan Homeguard Club
Address: 10 Church Rd, Cardiff CF5 5LQ
Ward: Caerau
Reason for omission: Built as a modest private residence between 1881 and 1899, the place was not converted to a club until the post-war era. Of limited Communal, Architectural and Historical Interest.
The Flute and Tankard
Address: 4 Windsor Place, Cardiff CF10 3BX
Ward: Cathays
Reason for omission: Built as a private residence in the C19, the place has seen considerable alteration and various uses in the C20, including a restaurant up until 2014, when it became the Flute and Tankard. Of limited Communal, Aesthetic and Historical Interest.
Harvester Coed-y-Gores
Address: Circle Way East, Cardiff CF23 9PD
Ward: Pentwyn
Reason for omission: Originally the site of an ancient farmstead. Of limited Communal Value as an historic public house (C20 restaurant and Bar). Omitted here and added to the wider local list for further review (for its potential Historical and Aesthetic Interest).
Cathays Conservative Club
Address: 54-58 Wyeverne Road, Cardiff CF24 4BH
Ward: Cathays
Reason for omission: Some Communal Value. Of C20 construction, the building has limited Historical and Architectural Interest.
Manor Parc County Hotel
Address: Thornhill Rd, Cardiff CF14 9UA
Ward: Rhiwbina
Reason for omission: Of limited communal value as a C20 Hotel. Omitted here and added to the wider local list for further review (due to origins as a late-C19 house of considerable scale).
You can provide feedback on the individual entries in the draft list (there is a dedicated form on each entry page) or provide general comments using the form below.
Owners and occupiers of the buildings will be sent letters inviting comments.
Consultation closes 18th September 2024
General feedback form
A summary of consultation responses will be compiled and the proposed additions to the Local List will be reported back to Cabinet for adoption. The revised list entries will be registered as Local Land Charges (as the existing list is).
A further consultation exercise will follow relating to the introduction of associated Article 4 Directions. Owners of these buildings will receive further letters when these Directions are made later in 2024/5.
Buildings proposed to be added to the Local Heritage List:
You can search the buildings below or view them on the map below. A simple list can also be downloaded.
Please note that many pubs are already listed by Cadw (Grades II, II* or I) or within a Conservation Area – these are not proposed for local listing. This map shows the proposed listings in relation to those already protected.