Photo of the former The Tredegar pub Cardiff

This proposed listing forms part of the draft Cardiff Local Heritage List - Public Houses, Hotels and Clubs (current and former)

Building reference

59 The Tredegar (former)




Corner of Clifton Street and Pearl St, Adamsdown, CF24 1PW

Download site boundary plan.




In August 1872, licence was granted to Mr Robert Thomas Meyrick for the Tredegar Hotel, Clifton Street. A plan of the house was presented, and it was stated that “…the building had lately been erected at a cost of about £2000…it contained 24 rooms, 13 of which were bedrooms.”

The application was supported by Lord Tredegar’s agent (Mr H.J. Davies) and, rather unusually, by the vicar of the parish.

Original planform of the building is evident within the OS map of 1878. Shown rectangular, it must have comprised the extant 3-storey corner element and some form of addition to the north-east. Adjacent again was a large service yard, with central gateway access onto Pearl Street.

A new skittle alley was added in 1887 and successive applications saw gradual expansion into both the service yard and the adjacent terraced house upon Clifton Street.

The public house finally closed in 2006 and, despite permission to convert (see 21/02713/MNR), its condition has seriously deteriorated.


Principal portion of the building comprises a square plan (with faceted corner), occupying prominent position on the corner of Clifton Street and Pearl Street. Built over three storeys with three-bay principal elevations. Second floor windows stopped-up. Hipped roof.

The whole is constructed in snecked pennant stone. Brick quoins and dressings to openings are mostly rendered. Slated roofs.

Later double-pile gabled extension to north-east elevation, occupying much of the former service yard. Gateway adjacent. Elevation to Pearl Street constructed in matching materials with further stepped-down, two-storey addition. This elevation shows some unusual features at ground floor level; development here is currently little understood.

Prior to 1943, the premises was also extended into the adjacent terraced house on Clifton Street and the ground floor window enlarged to match.

Windows mostly boarded-up with some (possibly original) sash windows still evident. Increasingly poor condition.


A prominently located and traditionally designed Victorian Public House formed in good-quality materials which reflect the local vernacular. Though much dilapidated, it still holds Architectural and historical interest.

Though now closed, the place also embodies Communal Value due to its long history.


Glamorgan Archives


  1. New Skittle Alley.



  1. Alteration.



  1. Alteration



  1. Alteration



  1. Alteration



  1. Alteration



  1. Ladies toilet.


  1. New sign.




Police Plans.

Additional images

Undated photo of the Tredegar public house Cardiff

Undated photo


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