To ensure that Local Development Plans (LDP) are kept up-to-date, local planning authorities are required to undertake a full review of their adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) at least once every four years following adoption.
Following consultation in January/February on a draft Delivery Agreement and Review Report, both documents have been updated to reflect issues raised where appropriate. On the 18th March 2021 the Council agreed to start work on preparing a Replacement LDP for Cardiff.
View a copy of the final LDP Review Report (860kb PDF)
On the 30th March 2021 Welsh Government approved the Cardiff Replacement LDP Delivery Agreement. The Delivery Agreement sets out the various stages involved in the Plan-making process, the time each part of the process is likely to take and the way in which the Council proposes to involve the local community and other stakeholders in the preparation of a Replacement LDP.
View a copy of the approved Delivery Agreement (1.7mb PDF)
We will now begin preparing a new Replacement LDP for Cardiff. The Plan will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in Cardiff over the next 15 years to 2036.